So, a bit picture heavy, but I wanted to give the kommandos a bit of an extra photoshoot because I really like how they came together as a unit.
Have some close ups of the boyz. You'll see all of them have a little bit of extra character.
You'll see on the special weapons boyz an axe and a kettle from the 1st edition battlewagon. Everyone needs a brew up after a hard day of infiltration!
The boys have been a bit magpie-like in their collecting of trophies and shiney kit. I'm quite inspired in their loadouts from something I see in my other hobby airsoft: folks just want to take everything with them "just in case". So these lads as a bit like that too.
A touch I particularly like is how many of them are clearly jumping out and shouting at a surprized enemy, even while Boss Snikrot has his finger to his lips shh-ing them.
Now in the pipeline is a unit of lootas. These lads have been waiting a while, again because I've been a bit nervous about them. Those big deffguns are quite off putting. I have spent a few months looking at them trying to get my head straight about how I'm going to pull them off.
Something that has already vexed me is the state of the undercoating. As ever, I've been cheap and got them off ebay, from several different sources. I've been finding that fairy powerspray is good for taking off the actual paints, but the spray primers seem to just stick in there no matter how much I scrub. and some of them have been sprayed black, others yellow of all colours. With these first three I thought I'd just crack on, but there is a noticeable difference in the way the colours tuned out.
My plan for the other 12 lootas is first to try out a different stripper, maybe dettol, and iff not go over them with an airbrush primer I have, just so they are all the same, even though this will loose a little detail.
While I'm doing these boys, I have a unit of burna boys waiting in the wings, but I'm actually planning to do another build with some bits to do some armour plated 'ard boyz. I've looked at the things I have left over and I've had a rather fun idea, so watch this space.
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