After my first games night I got home and was straight on ebay to buy myself a bucket full of distinctively coloured dice. Orks tend to roll a lot of dice, I think 60 should have me covered for almost any eventuality. But there's a facet of ork play I hadn't really pondered, and that how you tend not to worry about bad dice like you do with any other army: there is hardly any critical if-I-don't-get-a-good-roll-now-I-lose-the-game moments.
I was playing against the Space Puppies, and it seems that for them, every dice matters: all those Hunter Killer missiles, plasma guns getting hot, etc... A space Marine player gets so used to expecting good results that every bad one is a disaster, while as an ork player I just assume terrible rolls when I make my plan, and overcome them by chucking a bucket of dice onto the table, so what happens is most of the time my dice rolling exceeds my expectations.
Perhaps the only "bad dice" for me was my D3 for how many shots my lootas got. Every turn they fired I got a 1, so each of the 15 boyz only got one shot. Even with that they dispatched a Razorback and a Devastator Squad before the battle moved off to the other side of the table and out of their range.
For my opponent for the night, the dice were very much against him. Too many times he was rolling the ones. To the extent that in a 1,500 pt game by the time I waaaagh'd into melee on turn 3 he had only thinned my boyz down by 6 casualties. He conceded the match before we resolved the combat. I felt at the time a little bit robbed that we didn't get to do the stomping, but on reflection it was a mercy to him to end the pain sooner. Long before the end of the match I was groaning with him every time the dice went wrong for him.
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